Buying & Selling

When you click on a brand on the Brand Listings page, their status shows as Underwriting or Active.


If a brand is in the underwriting process, that means they are selling their original allocation of one million tokens. Enter the number of tokens you would like to buy, and the total cost is calculated based on the per unit price. That is how much the brand said they are worth divided by one million. For example, if a brand thinks they are worth $100,000, then each token will cost $.10.


The underwriting process is open for 30 days. At the end of 30 days, if the brand did not sell all their tokens, they have the right to accept the value of what was sold, or cancel the listing altogether. If the brand accepts the value of what was sold, the remaining tokens that were not sold get distributed proportionally to those who bought them during the underwriting process, so the tokens in circulation are always fixed at one million units. If the brand decides to cancel their offering, your purchase is refunded to your wallet in the app.


When a brand’s status is active, buying and selling is done between users via auction method. Click on a brand name to see which users own tokens and what they are offering to sell them for. If a brand does not have tokens available for sale, you can make an offer to buy some. That offer is pushed out to every user on the platform who owns tokens in that brand.


If you own tokens in a brand, you can offer to sell them at any time by clicking on that brand within your My Account settings and posting an offer with your desired selling price. That offer is then posted on that brand page.

MB.X has an extended verification secure socket layer certificate from GoDaddy. That means your personal information, and all transactions, are protected with 256-bit encryption. That’s a lot.