Core Values

As we were building MB.X, some of these values evolved intuitively. Like, a creator has the right to determine how much they think their brand is worth. And, followers deserve an opportunity to participate in the wealth created by brands they support. But a new, and more important value emerged as we were thinking about the underwriting process, and how many tokens a brand could sell.

In a traditional IPO process, the formula to determine how many shares a company offers is a blend of art and science. The science is a function of enterprise value. The art is subjective, and involves the psychology and optics of selling price. What type of investors would the company attract if shares were priced at $5 versus $50?

While debating how a brand might determine how many tokens to offer on MB.X, we were grounded by the fact that all people are created equal. So every brand that lists on MB.X gets one million tokens. Why one million? Well, how often in life do any of us get one million of anything? It seemed like a good number. But, more important, it’s the same number for everyone who lists their brand on the exchange. 

MB.X Core Values